Friday, April 1, 2016

Howdy, Y'all!

What better way to kick off this new blog than with one of the best things about Texas - the spring wildflowers! In these parts, the bluebonnet is royalty.

Usually, the bluebonnet starts its yearly visit in early to mid-March. This year, however, the first bluebonnet in the town of Wharton was spotted on February 26, a full week earlier than last year's visit.

Now, the fields and roadsides are filling in with all sorts of wildflowers: blue ones, red ones, yellow ones, and all sorts of prettiness. The following photographs were taken at the Wildflower Project field of the First Presbyterian Church in Wharton, Texas.

Whether you're a native Texan, a transplant from another state, or you've never set foot in Texas, most everyone has an opinion about this state. What is yours?